
Green Jade Shrimp


I love freshwater aquariums and fish and have far too many tanks around my house. Most are just for fun but I do also breed Green Jade Shrimp as a hobby and sell them. In addition, I am attempting trying to breed Zebra Plecos (an endangered pleco from the Amazon River) and have several healthy plecos in my 40 gallon tank.
Graffiti art of bison running


Art has always been one of my favorite pastimes. My mother was a graphic designer and raised us in a very creative home so art has consistently been a normal part of my every day life. Lately I have been experimenting with a graffiti style of stencils. Feel free to check my work out!
Idioma Flash Icon


I have been learning Spanish for a while now! At this point I watch all my TV, listen to all my music, and read all my books in Spanish. I am not yet fluent, or even close to it, but am improving every day. To assist me learn, I made a simple app with Capacitor.js and Vue to allow me to quickly translate a word and place it in a flashcard deck for studying. I did this because I did not see any good alternatives out there.